Saturday, May 24, 2003


Yeah, I haven't really much to say. For all it's eventfulness, this summer has been rather uneventful. I've been working on my tan, well at least I was when it was sunny. Hopefully the sun will return sometime this week.

I've now got a half dozen part time jobs for the summer. And here I was bitching about 4 being too much last summer. Haha. Actually though, these are all way less hours and way more low key. So it's cool. Course two of them are paying next to nothing, but I figure it's worth my sanity and gas.

Glad I finally got those grad ball pictures to work. And that's all I suppose. Can't wait till AJ's back.

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Fun Times

Grad Ball was great. I wrote all about it elsewhere though, and I don't feel like repeating myself. Click on the links to see some pictures. Yay for pictures. lol.

the ladies of the evening

me and jen

and my favorite picture:
me and alex

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Sheesh, another fangirl. Well, I dont blame you.
How can any woman resist a sexy body, and the
ruggedness that is Wolverine? Hes a loner by
nature, a heavy drinker, and is plagued by
memories of his past...or lack thereof. It may
take time to work your way into his heart, but
when you do, he'll do anything for his woman.
Just be careful, he has a tendency to stab
people in his sleep. ^_^;;

Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

And So It Begins

I suppose this is the start of my summer.

I don't recall it feeling quite this blah last year. Or quite this... I don't even know. I want to call it busy, or full.... but it's really not. There's just not enough time in the day for me to do what I really want to do, and that's spend time with Alex. It's a rather perplexing problem, and I find myself at loose ends all to often, wondering what to do about it.

I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Everyone is so excited abut going home
I am not. Curious why? Read and understand:

1. One phone line, dial-up internet. My dependecy on the net is near an end....
2. No cell phone reception. Another plus to living in the boonies.
3. No people. Carmela will be there for a short time, and after that I am alone, all alone. The closest spark of civilization is 3 miles away. Oh boy.
4. No job. Which means that till I get one, I am officially the housemaid. I will be cleaning all rooms, doing all grocery shopping, all yard work, all car washing, and most likely cooking all of my own meals.
5. My brother. Yes I love him dearly, but he's 9. And all he ever does is ask me to play games with him. Over and over and over again. And if it's not that, he'll want me to drive him to his friends houses. And my mother will think that's a very good idea.
6. An extra 15 minutes to get everywhere. Again, isn't living in the boonies grand?
7. My mother, the Puritan. "What do you mean you have a boyfriend?" she gasps. "Well I certainly know that he's not staying with you! That's not why your father and I are paying for school! Are boys even allowed in your dorm room? You'd better find a male friend of yours for him to board with for the night!" In other words, overnight visits will be out of the question.
8. I'm not even going to bother typing what my mother would say if she knew I went clubbing.
9. I'll miss my friends. I'm used to being around you all... and you're all home too. I haven't really kept up with anyone from high school well (my own fault really I'm just lazy), so in the summer I've far less people to chill with.
10. My room = bug paradise. I live in the basement. In the boonies. In an older house with cracks and stuff.
11. My room = Atlantic Ocean during big rainstorms. It's already flooded twice this year, when I wasn't there (thankfully). Maybe we'll have another drought and it'll stay dry from now on....
12. My closet = inufficient storage space. It's necessary for me to maintain storage at home AND school in order to properly hang, put away my clothing. When I move home it ends up on the floor for lack of another place.
13. We all love Wendy's late night. But my mother cannot have me leaving the house that late. And I really ought to be home by midnight you know, because she HAS to stay up and wait for me because she is very worried about my well-being.
Yes I've exaggerated some. Yes there are a billion great things about being home too (well maybe like 5), and I do ADORE summer because it means AJ's back and there's no classes for me and I get a tan and quality time when I visit Rach at the beach.

So, summer = good; moving home = bad.

I think we all understand now.

Class dismissed.

Monday, May 05, 2003


Your Hottest Body Part is Your Butt!

From the back you're mistaken for J-Lo.

You are a rump-shaking dynamo on the dance floor.

Thongs were invented just for you.

You're able to please your man sexually in all sorts of ways - especially through your back door.

You put the ass in ASSett.

Baby, you got back, and you're proud of it.

Celebs who work their ass as hard as you do include: Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue, Christina Aguilera, and of course, J-Lo.

Want to play up your ass even more?

Try low rise jeans and vinyl pants, schoolgirl skirts, and form fitting shorts.

And of course, g-strings and thongs only - no squishing that fine ass with panty lines.

What's Your Hottest Body Part??

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

candy delight

Your Stripper Name is Candy Delight!

You are always the feature dancer at the best clubs.

Your customers pay big money to see you, even if it means starving six days of the week.

For you, stripping is an art form, and you are a grande artiste.

Very classy and never trashy - you won't stoop to doing anything sleazy.

You are constantly posing in magazines and winning Miss Nude contests.

In StripperLand, you are the ultimate queen.

Other strippers may be jealous by all the attention you get, but you walk away with the most money!

What's *Your* Stripper Name?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
You're here searching for the college experience,
and you likely got it.

Why are you at college?
brought to you by Quizilla
Bravo, bibliophile!
I knew someone in the world could read!

How literate are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Food'll do that to you sometimes

Freshman year I used to cook pasta with alfredo for Lindsay and myself. We'd sit in her room (cause my roommate was omnipresent in mine and made it smell) on her bed and drink tea and eat pasta and chit chat.

Things are a lot different now. I made pasta salad for myself tonight, and got to thinking about what a solitary person I am. My theme song, according to emode, is Independant Woman. Seems I've forgotten that lately.

But today I remembered. I woke up feeling clearer than I have in a while. I don't really know why.

I had a lot of thoughts today, about myself, and about my relationships with other people. A great breakfast with Jen seemed to set the pace for the rest of the day. And walking to grab salad dressing and fresh veggies from the nest (of which they had none, bastards), I realized how alone I am all the time. And for the most part I don't even think of it, I'm used to doing things by myself and taking care of myself. But it was so different last year.

And I came to recognize this as a pattern. I'm not the type to hang out in big groups all the time, with whom I do everything and go everywhere. Instead I'll make one or two or three really great friends, and those I hang onto and do everything with. And when they leave, I feel lost. And I hang in a kind of limbo for quite some time until I find another group, and within that group maybe one or two good friends. (Do keep in mind that this doesn't mean I'm friendless at times, I always have people around me whom I term as friends, but there's a difference between those I'll hang with on occasion and those who I make a real effort to be with every day or every other).

It's a pattern I've repeated several times in my life. It's so strange now though, cause I've still got those best friends... they're just far away.

And I did find that friend, or group of friends, to hang out with. Thanks to my sister and Amanda. Rachel suggested that Jen and I travel together to visit her last semester. And after 4 hours of discussion in the car, a true friendship was born. Amanda invited me over to visit at her and Jen's and Lisa-Marie's and (at the time) Dave's apartment. And a group friendship was born. And those girls have been a backbone for me this year. Wonderful friends, shopping and drinking companions, confidantes, everything I could want or ask for.

And now they're all leaving.

I'm so sad to see them graduate, but I know what it means to them. It's time to move on. I only hope that we can continue our friendships on some level after they are gone. Becaue I've always said, "hey keep in touch!" but this time I actually mean it. And I plan on making a real effort too.

As for next year? My expectations are none. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see... each day comes regardless of my expectations. Fall will be here soon enough, and then I will see what happens. Things change yet life continues. Perhaps not for everybody, but it does continue.
that was the longest hour of my life. it's hard to see when there are tears in your eyes.
Claudia Icon
You are Claudia

Which Anne Rice Vampire are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, May 02, 2003

Romantic movie! You probably won't star in a porno
anytime soon. You seem to be really into the
whole "love" thing...romantic sex
with perfumed sheets and candles all over the
place. You're probably a hopeless romantic. You
value sex and respect your partner too much to
do anything like porn. AWWWWWW! <3

What kind of porno would you star in?
brought to you by Quizilla
Finals Finally Here

"How are finals" I said with a quick grin over my shades.
"Rather well, actually," returned Milimo in his posh British accent, as we passed each other on campus walk without a glance back.

And so seems to be the story for this exam week. Most of the people that I've encountered have been positive over their tests and papers. I find this rather motivating. Perhaps it won't be so bad afterall.

I've got three more. I can handle it. After that, who knows? I lack a job at the moment (well a full-time job). I have no real plans for this summer, except to get a tan. All else shall be left to the whims of fate I suppose.

And on another note I now have only $6 in my savings account. I find that rather terrifying.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Motivate Me

I just woke up. For the second day in a row, I've missed basically the entire today.

I've got a lot on my mind right now. And it has nothing to do with finals. I'm afraid of my grade in spanish. Very afraid. I hate being a slacker.

And there's this big worry that's making me sit here and not move. I stare at the computer screen. Ludacris blasts at me from my speakers and I don't move. Lethargy and stress have taken over my body.

I wish my feet would wake up. They heep falling asleep. Maybe I should too. My bed is nice. It doesn't make me worry. I can dream when I'm asleep, abouf how everything will fix itself by the time I wake up. About how I really don't have anything to worry about, how I'm overreacting.

But I can't hide from reality forever. I'm just praying that it doesn't slap me in the face. Please.