It's All Over
Classes are done. I have one week left of my soph year. Then it's all over.
Well, not all.. just school this year. I think I may take a moment to do a year in review later today, or not, don't quote me on that.
Speaking of quotes, I got some great ones last night during the 3.5 hours of being Honorable. Highlights include:
Me: what are you paranoid about?
Chuck: i'm paranoid about everything
Me: You're gonna die tomorrow
Chuck: son of a bitch
I suppose it's not that funny in retrospect, but I dunno you had to be there.
I got really drunk last night. Not sure how bright that was, but it happened and it's over. I seem to do that whenever there's things I don't want to think about. Alcohol helps things seem trivial that aren't, and things that are important trivial. Though when it starts to wear off then the depression returns 10 times worse and I just get downright whiney... I apologize for that.
Ah well, back out to study in the sun.
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Sunday, April 27, 2003
What a fucking week
This past week was long. Very long.
The weekend was fairly good because I was able to put off thinking at all about all of the stuff i've gotta do before... tomorrow. Which was good at the time but is so very very very bad right about now.
And today was utter hell. I hate my job with a burning passion. I hate being irreplaceable. I hate that working for my parents means I really can't quit or they'll hate me forever and probably stop paying what little they do of my tuition. I hate how Honor Council meetings are on sunday nights, in the most inopportune and idiotic time ever. I hate getting paid once a month and running out of cash halfway through and needing to mooch off people after that point. I hate credit card bills that I'm unsuccessfully trying to ignore. I hate not being able to say no to people even though it's for my own damn good. I hate school. I hate papers. I hate impossible research projects. I hate exams.
I could probably go on some more, but if you're still reading I'll spare you.
And there are a lot of things that I love. Unfortunately, I can't have them right now. Because I have too much of the shit that I hate to do first. UGH.
Two more days of classes. After that, finals. I think I can, I think I can... or not.
This past week was long. Very long.
The weekend was fairly good because I was able to put off thinking at all about all of the stuff i've gotta do before... tomorrow. Which was good at the time but is so very very very bad right about now.
And today was utter hell. I hate my job with a burning passion. I hate being irreplaceable. I hate that working for my parents means I really can't quit or they'll hate me forever and probably stop paying what little they do of my tuition. I hate how Honor Council meetings are on sunday nights, in the most inopportune and idiotic time ever. I hate getting paid once a month and running out of cash halfway through and needing to mooch off people after that point. I hate credit card bills that I'm unsuccessfully trying to ignore. I hate not being able to say no to people even though it's for my own damn good. I hate school. I hate papers. I hate impossible research projects. I hate exams.
I could probably go on some more, but if you're still reading I'll spare you.
And there are a lot of things that I love. Unfortunately, I can't have them right now. Because I have too much of the shit that I hate to do first. UGH.
Two more days of classes. After that, finals. I think I can, I think I can... or not.
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
So Enticing...
I got invited to go to Mexico last night. And believe me, I'm tempted. Screw school, screw money problems. I'll rip off a 7-11 and hop on the first plane out of here...
And yes I'm planning on kidnapping Alex on the way;)
Miguel, the guy who's been running Tertulias (spanish conversation hour) all year, is going back home. He's gotta write his thesis on teaching Spanish as a second language. He was a cool guy, and he totally complimented me on my Spanish. Said I was really good, and he was surprised that I hadn't studied abroad, or that one of my reletives wasn't a native Spanish speaker. Hell F'in yeah. One of these days I'll have enough vocab to speak fluently.
He lives on the Yukatan penninsula, home to the infamous Cancun, in the capital Merida - the place that MWC happens to have an exchange program. It's beautiful there. If you've never seen the Caribbean sea, you're missing out. Probably one of my favorite sights on Earth.
Makes me think, since I love to plan ahead and all, should my honeymoon be in the Caribbean or in Europe? Hard to decide really. Though I lean more towards the Caribbean, supremely because that would be a much more relaxing time than Europe.... though Italy and Spain are forever calling my name... mmm... well not like I'll be taking a honeymoon anytime soon. haha.
But I think I shall keep up correspondance with Miguel, we agreed that way he could practice English and I Spanish, and he gave me his email and regular address...
Maybe I can talk him into sending me postcards. I have an affinity for those, and now a rather nice collection thanks to Tex and his excursions in Hong Kong and thereabouts. Which reminds me, he told me he'd be in town today, when I spoke to him last night he was in a hotel in Bristol, but I haven't seen him all day. Ah well. He'll no doubt jump out of a bush and surprise me soon...
ahhh. way to negate everything i just wrote... he's imed me. haha. ok... i've put off work too long.
adios al mundo.
I got invited to go to Mexico last night. And believe me, I'm tempted. Screw school, screw money problems. I'll rip off a 7-11 and hop on the first plane out of here...
And yes I'm planning on kidnapping Alex on the way;)
Miguel, the guy who's been running Tertulias (spanish conversation hour) all year, is going back home. He's gotta write his thesis on teaching Spanish as a second language. He was a cool guy, and he totally complimented me on my Spanish. Said I was really good, and he was surprised that I hadn't studied abroad, or that one of my reletives wasn't a native Spanish speaker. Hell F'in yeah. One of these days I'll have enough vocab to speak fluently.
He lives on the Yukatan penninsula, home to the infamous Cancun, in the capital Merida - the place that MWC happens to have an exchange program. It's beautiful there. If you've never seen the Caribbean sea, you're missing out. Probably one of my favorite sights on Earth.
Makes me think, since I love to plan ahead and all, should my honeymoon be in the Caribbean or in Europe? Hard to decide really. Though I lean more towards the Caribbean, supremely because that would be a much more relaxing time than Europe.... though Italy and Spain are forever calling my name... mmm... well not like I'll be taking a honeymoon anytime soon. haha.
But I think I shall keep up correspondance with Miguel, we agreed that way he could practice English and I Spanish, and he gave me his email and regular address...
Maybe I can talk him into sending me postcards. I have an affinity for those, and now a rather nice collection thanks to Tex and his excursions in Hong Kong and thereabouts. Which reminds me, he told me he'd be in town today, when I spoke to him last night he was in a hotel in Bristol, but I haven't seen him all day. Ah well. He'll no doubt jump out of a bush and surprise me soon...
ahhh. way to negate everything i just wrote... he's imed me. haha. ok... i've put off work too long.
adios al mundo.

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
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(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
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Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Feeling Magnanimous
If you read this, and desire to read jucier shit (ha well not really), just ask me for the link to my lj. I'm not comfortable handing it out publicly just yet, because i like being able to speak off the cuff about everything and everyone.
I wrote a long entry there today though. Here are some excerpts:
I've felt rather detached from everything lately. I'm not as excited about things as usual, not as smiley and happy. Not necessarily depressed or sad, just detached. Like an observer of something that I find only relatively interesting.
I've been deeply affected by a lot of people this year. It's been an emotional roller coaster. (I find it interesting how the word "year" is really relative too. What do you base your "year" on? Mine centers around school... the calendar doesn't mean much except that I've gotta remember '03 instead of '02.)
At the moment many of those people are going through huge jumping-off points in life. The joy-ride/ cruise from hell/ out-of-control dingy that is college is returning from sea for some of my friends. And they are all anticipating that moment when they step on shore. Will they be able to lose their sea-legs? Will the land seem alien? What will they do? How will they adjust? Where does life go from here?
(Sorry about the bad analogy, but I couldn't help myself. I'm an english major, remember.)
Analogies aside, graduation is a big point in a lot of my friends' lives. And it's affecting me, too. I've always thought too far in advance for my current situation, but all of these floating questions (what will i do? where will i live?) have occupied a lot of my pondering time lately. As have my thoughts turned ahead to this summer, and next semester. There are so many details to work out, things I have to do, that it's been amalgamating into a huge mess in my brain.
Top it off with this feeling of ominous foreboding, caused chiefly by the end of the school year and exams, and I've had a slight emotion and thought overload.
I wasn't equipped well to handle this.
And I'm not bitching, I know I can. I'm just trying to sort everything out. Nothing is clear.
but it's all been on my mind lately. and that's made it difficult to be really aware of or in tune with my surroundings. i feel like i'm in a surrealist painting. melting clocks and drying masks stretched all around me. maybe it's my preoccupation with multitasking. i don't allow myself time to just think, or time to just work, or time to just be social. i try to integrate them so i can be more efficient and kill two (or seven) birds with one stone. and i suppose that's my problem. i try to do too much, and then i bitch about it when i can't.
rachel told me i'm hopeless. she was right. it's time for some hard decision-making. i may not be taking a huge step in my life right now, or having a huge change of situation, but i would like to make a change of attitude. this lethargy is sickening, i'm not accustomed to apathy. i must start building and developing my own motivations. wish me luck, offer me a smile. i think we could all use one right now.
"the race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself"
If you read this, and desire to read jucier shit (ha well not really), just ask me for the link to my lj. I'm not comfortable handing it out publicly just yet, because i like being able to speak off the cuff about everything and everyone.
I wrote a long entry there today though. Here are some excerpts:
I've felt rather detached from everything lately. I'm not as excited about things as usual, not as smiley and happy. Not necessarily depressed or sad, just detached. Like an observer of something that I find only relatively interesting.
I've been deeply affected by a lot of people this year. It's been an emotional roller coaster. (I find it interesting how the word "year" is really relative too. What do you base your "year" on? Mine centers around school... the calendar doesn't mean much except that I've gotta remember '03 instead of '02.)
At the moment many of those people are going through huge jumping-off points in life. The joy-ride/ cruise from hell/ out-of-control dingy that is college is returning from sea for some of my friends. And they are all anticipating that moment when they step on shore. Will they be able to lose their sea-legs? Will the land seem alien? What will they do? How will they adjust? Where does life go from here?
(Sorry about the bad analogy, but I couldn't help myself. I'm an english major, remember.)
Analogies aside, graduation is a big point in a lot of my friends' lives. And it's affecting me, too. I've always thought too far in advance for my current situation, but all of these floating questions (what will i do? where will i live?) have occupied a lot of my pondering time lately. As have my thoughts turned ahead to this summer, and next semester. There are so many details to work out, things I have to do, that it's been amalgamating into a huge mess in my brain.
Top it off with this feeling of ominous foreboding, caused chiefly by the end of the school year and exams, and I've had a slight emotion and thought overload.
I wasn't equipped well to handle this.
And I'm not bitching, I know I can. I'm just trying to sort everything out. Nothing is clear.
but it's all been on my mind lately. and that's made it difficult to be really aware of or in tune with my surroundings. i feel like i'm in a surrealist painting. melting clocks and drying masks stretched all around me. maybe it's my preoccupation with multitasking. i don't allow myself time to just think, or time to just work, or time to just be social. i try to integrate them so i can be more efficient and kill two (or seven) birds with one stone. and i suppose that's my problem. i try to do too much, and then i bitch about it when i can't.
rachel told me i'm hopeless. she was right. it's time for some hard decision-making. i may not be taking a huge step in my life right now, or having a huge change of situation, but i would like to make a change of attitude. this lethargy is sickening, i'm not accustomed to apathy. i must start building and developing my own motivations. wish me luck, offer me a smile. i think we could all use one right now.
"the race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself"
Thanks a Bunch!
So Jen has joined my poetry blog. Yay! Thanks to her, I'm one step closer to realizing my vision for that site. I'd like for it to be a forum for people who like writing and reading poetry. Where you can post poems for people to comment on, or simply join as a person who does nothing more than comment.
If you're at all interested, please let me know. The site has had precious little traffic as of late, and now I can assure you of some variety in poetry because it's not just my poems anymore. I'm taking steps to invite more poetry lovers, but all I need is your email address.
So come on people! Join the damn site (or at least check it out). You know you want to! It'll be fun and painless, I promise.
here it is, go there now damnit!
So Jen has joined my poetry blog. Yay! Thanks to her, I'm one step closer to realizing my vision for that site. I'd like for it to be a forum for people who like writing and reading poetry. Where you can post poems for people to comment on, or simply join as a person who does nothing more than comment.
If you're at all interested, please let me know. The site has had precious little traffic as of late, and now I can assure you of some variety in poetry because it's not just my poems anymore. I'm taking steps to invite more poetry lovers, but all I need is your email address.
So come on people! Join the damn site (or at least check it out). You know you want to! It'll be fun and painless, I promise.
here it is, go there now damnit!
Monday, April 21, 2003
Hot Pussy. *dumps cold water on your attitude*
That's just what you needed! LOL
What Kind of Pussy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
What I Really Need
An hourly planner. You know how much easier that would make my life? I had one last year, and I actually remembered when I had to do shit. This year it's so sad. I keep forgetting huge ass assignments and the like. Bad Bad Bad BAD.
I don't even know when my finals are. And they start next week. There's just not enough room on a wall calendar for all of the shit I have to remember to do. And I need to start planning time to get work done around the scheduled crap that I have. Cause I just realized that I've gotta see like four movies in the next week. That's more than eight hours of movie-watching. That has to be planed in around my researching and trips downtown. Ugh.
And I have to go to the bank, deposit my reimbursement check, and transfer money into my checking account so I can pay my damn credit card bill.
Remind me not to go shopping anymore. Please.
Fuck. I just remembered more shit I've gotta do this week. We have bella every night cause there's a concert saturday. And I've gotta sell tickets for the concert on Wednesday and Thursday. Damnit.
And Jason is coming into town Wednesday, and I'm one of the few people who knows that, so I'm one of the first people he's going to visit. Sigh. Gotta schedule time for that too.
Could we possibly extend the day to 26 hours this week? That may help...
Oh and I just remember a positive thing at least, I don't have to work this week cause the team is on Spring Break. Though I was still planning on swimming, that'll just have to wait. No time now.
An hourly planner. You know how much easier that would make my life? I had one last year, and I actually remembered when I had to do shit. This year it's so sad. I keep forgetting huge ass assignments and the like. Bad Bad Bad BAD.
I don't even know when my finals are. And they start next week. There's just not enough room on a wall calendar for all of the shit I have to remember to do. And I need to start planning time to get work done around the scheduled crap that I have. Cause I just realized that I've gotta see like four movies in the next week. That's more than eight hours of movie-watching. That has to be planed in around my researching and trips downtown. Ugh.
And I have to go to the bank, deposit my reimbursement check, and transfer money into my checking account so I can pay my damn credit card bill.
Remind me not to go shopping anymore. Please.
Fuck. I just remembered more shit I've gotta do this week. We have bella every night cause there's a concert saturday. And I've gotta sell tickets for the concert on Wednesday and Thursday. Damnit.
And Jason is coming into town Wednesday, and I'm one of the few people who knows that, so I'm one of the first people he's going to visit. Sigh. Gotta schedule time for that too.
Could we possibly extend the day to 26 hours this week? That may help...
Oh and I just remember a positive thing at least, I don't have to work this week cause the team is on Spring Break. Though I was still planning on swimming, that'll just have to wait. No time now.
Friday, April 18, 2003
Tick, Tock
I feel so unmotivated. To do anything really, other than sleep. And maybe read a good book. It's been a while.
I really dislike cold, rainy weather. It is the bane of my existance. My fingers are beyond numb... I only have one glove and leather gloves don't really do much for warmth anyways.
I need some chocolate. I've been craving it for a while. Who wants to hook me up?
I'm eating dinner with Alex's family tomorow night, I hope that all goes well. I have this tendancy to spill on myself, and i've decided to wear a white shirt, so hopefully I can avoid being clumsy for one night.
Oh and Happy Easter!
I feel so unmotivated. To do anything really, other than sleep. And maybe read a good book. It's been a while.
I really dislike cold, rainy weather. It is the bane of my existance. My fingers are beyond numb... I only have one glove and leather gloves don't really do much for warmth anyways.
I need some chocolate. I've been craving it for a while. Who wants to hook me up?
I'm eating dinner with Alex's family tomorow night, I hope that all goes well. I have this tendancy to spill on myself, and i've decided to wear a white shirt, so hopefully I can avoid being clumsy for one night.
Oh and Happy Easter!
Thursday, April 17, 2003
Screw Cold Weather
The temperature has dropped 15 degrees since i left for work this morning. NOT COOL!!! (cold actually, haha). I brought all of my sweaters home, like and idiot, however the thing is that logistically they didn't fit with all of the warm weather clothing that I brought back here. And it was 87 yesterday, so I do need it. All of it.
I keep remembering work that I've forgotten to do... like these two videos that I have to watch. Ugh. I was supposed to watch them last week but I never got around to it, plus I was sick basically all week. Hopefully I can squeeze them into my schedule sometime soon... I feel like the clock is against me.
I swam this morning, only for about an hour, and wow it was painful. It reminded me that I've gotta see the doctor soon, who hopefully won't pull out the dreaded "S" word, because I refuse. Ah well, time to start rehab again I suppose.
But yeah not swimming for 2 months = very bad idea. I've gotta get my ass back in shape and then keep it there. I just need somebody to motivate me. Volunteers?
Mmmmk, that's enough for this morning. I'm taking a nap!
The temperature has dropped 15 degrees since i left for work this morning. NOT COOL!!! (cold actually, haha). I brought all of my sweaters home, like and idiot, however the thing is that logistically they didn't fit with all of the warm weather clothing that I brought back here. And it was 87 yesterday, so I do need it. All of it.
I keep remembering work that I've forgotten to do... like these two videos that I have to watch. Ugh. I was supposed to watch them last week but I never got around to it, plus I was sick basically all week. Hopefully I can squeeze them into my schedule sometime soon... I feel like the clock is against me.
I swam this morning, only for about an hour, and wow it was painful. It reminded me that I've gotta see the doctor soon, who hopefully won't pull out the dreaded "S" word, because I refuse. Ah well, time to start rehab again I suppose.
But yeah not swimming for 2 months = very bad idea. I've gotta get my ass back in shape and then keep it there. I just need somebody to motivate me. Volunteers?
Mmmmk, that's enough for this morning. I'm taking a nap!
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Irony Ensues
I'm wasting my time again. Why is this ironic? Because that song by Default just started playing. Interesting...
I really ought to get started on my paper for music theory. I really don't feel like it though. I just want to go back to sleep.
Or plan my outfit and then spend hours making sure it works well. haha. Yesterday I wore a pretty dress, a longish one that came past my knees. Today? shorts? not sure yet... I've got too many decisions to make! Ack.
At least though I can't complain that picking out my outfit is like my toughest decision. As sad as that is, it makes me feel good - there are tougher ones to make in life.
Grrr. So my roommate's back. I hadn't seen her in days, and it made me happy. Sigh. And I'm sure it's her stupid ass that left a fucking tampon floating in the tiolet this morning, still in the damn wrapper.. my suitemates obviously haven't figured out how to use tampons yet judging by the amount of fucking trash overflowing in the damn bathroom.
Yes I am bitter this morning.
Maybe I should have some tea, my throat is still giving me issues. It hurts like whoa when I talk, which is all the freaking time, so either I need to learn how to shut up or how to heal the stupid piece of crap.
hmmm. I think I've written enough bitterness for this morning. Maybe after I get pretty and go outside I'll feel better.
I'm wasting my time again. Why is this ironic? Because that song by Default just started playing. Interesting...
I really ought to get started on my paper for music theory. I really don't feel like it though. I just want to go back to sleep.
Or plan my outfit and then spend hours making sure it works well. haha. Yesterday I wore a pretty dress, a longish one that came past my knees. Today? shorts? not sure yet... I've got too many decisions to make! Ack.
At least though I can't complain that picking out my outfit is like my toughest decision. As sad as that is, it makes me feel good - there are tougher ones to make in life.
Grrr. So my roommate's back. I hadn't seen her in days, and it made me happy. Sigh. And I'm sure it's her stupid ass that left a fucking tampon floating in the tiolet this morning, still in the damn wrapper.. my suitemates obviously haven't figured out how to use tampons yet judging by the amount of fucking trash overflowing in the damn bathroom.
Yes I am bitter this morning.
Maybe I should have some tea, my throat is still giving me issues. It hurts like whoa when I talk, which is all the freaking time, so either I need to learn how to shut up or how to heal the stupid piece of crap.
hmmm. I think I've written enough bitterness for this morning. Maybe after I get pretty and go outside I'll feel better.
Monday, April 14, 2003
What a Weekend
I'm sad that it ended. Definately fun times.
For starters, the concert on Thursday went surprisingly well. We actually did better than we did at our own concert earlier this semester. I think it's because we weren't stressed, we didn't plan everything, we didn't have to worry about anything except for singing and entertaining.
Invoice rocked the house too. Those guys can definately sing. And make good movies. They're always going to sell out their concerts. Bastards. That's what happens when you're an all-guy group at a predominantly-female college. They actually had a bunch of freshman groupies who made t-shirts that said shit like "invoice fanatics." Ugh.
Friday was a nice and relaxing day... Saturday Bella recorded No Rain, I hope it sounds good... Then Alex and I went down to UVA for this semi-formal thing... I love getting dressed up...
And yeah it was an amazingly good weekend. Relaxing, interesting, eventful, etc...
I'm sad that it ended. Definately fun times.
For starters, the concert on Thursday went surprisingly well. We actually did better than we did at our own concert earlier this semester. I think it's because we weren't stressed, we didn't plan everything, we didn't have to worry about anything except for singing and entertaining.
Invoice rocked the house too. Those guys can definately sing. And make good movies. They're always going to sell out their concerts. Bastards. That's what happens when you're an all-guy group at a predominantly-female college. They actually had a bunch of freshman groupies who made t-shirts that said shit like "invoice fanatics." Ugh.
Friday was a nice and relaxing day... Saturday Bella recorded No Rain, I hope it sounds good... Then Alex and I went down to UVA for this semi-formal thing... I love getting dressed up...
And yeah it was an amazingly good weekend. Relaxing, interesting, eventful, etc...
Thursday, April 10, 2003
I'd like a new head, please
I have a concert in 1.5 hours. And my throat still hurts, and I'm still stuffy, and my glands are still swollen.
Sorry to bitch overmuch, but honestly I really don't want to do this concert tonight. It's a Thursday for Pete's sake.
At least I'm not stressed. Much.
But I'm looking forward to tonight. All I have to do is get through this damn concert, then my weekend with Alex begins.
Ack.. off to hack on stage...
I have a concert in 1.5 hours. And my throat still hurts, and I'm still stuffy, and my glands are still swollen.
Sorry to bitch overmuch, but honestly I really don't want to do this concert tonight. It's a Thursday for Pete's sake.
At least I'm not stressed. Much.
But I'm looking forward to tonight. All I have to do is get through this damn concert, then my weekend with Alex begins.
Ack.. off to hack on stage...
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Damn Weather
I hate this week!! It's rained all week, and will continue raining till Friday night. It wouldn't be that bad, except it's also freezing.
And this just happens to be the week where I dont have my umbrella. Sigh.
I really don't think I should go to classes today (i rationalize skipping far too easily). It's a long walk, I'm sick, and walking in the cold wet rain is not going to help me recover.
Plus we have this stupid concert tomorrow.
How did I end up doing percussion on 3 out of 5 songs?? That really blows, fyi. And on one song I have back-up harmony for the soloist, which I will not be able to pull off in my current condition. Grrrrr.
And something that I find rather humerous.... the song that we're debuting is Walking on Sunshine. hahahaha. If only it weren't perpetually grey this week.
I think I need to go to the store and get some medication. I'm far too lazy for my own good when I get sick. I feel like doing nothing but sleep all day.
Ah well.... time to get dressed I suppose.
I hate this week!! It's rained all week, and will continue raining till Friday night. It wouldn't be that bad, except it's also freezing.
And this just happens to be the week where I dont have my umbrella. Sigh.
I really don't think I should go to classes today (i rationalize skipping far too easily). It's a long walk, I'm sick, and walking in the cold wet rain is not going to help me recover.
Plus we have this stupid concert tomorrow.
How did I end up doing percussion on 3 out of 5 songs?? That really blows, fyi. And on one song I have back-up harmony for the soloist, which I will not be able to pull off in my current condition. Grrrrr.
And something that I find rather humerous.... the song that we're debuting is Walking on Sunshine. hahahaha. If only it weren't perpetually grey this week.
I think I need to go to the store and get some medication. I'm far too lazy for my own good when I get sick. I feel like doing nothing but sleep all day.
Ah well.... time to get dressed I suppose.
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Monday, April 07, 2003
I totally overslept this morning. I haven't done that in a really long time. It was wierd, cause I woke up when my alarm went off in this massive state of confusion. I think I thought it was night or something, cause it was rather dark outside (it's pouring) and my roommate was still awake typing her paper.
I sat and looked at her for a few minutes, and she made a motion like well are you going to turn off your damn radio. And then I remember saying something out loud like, "oh right I'll get it."
And then I turned it off. And checked my messages on AIM. And after that I fail to recall what occurred, only that I woke up 2 hours later in bed. oops.
I woke up cursing like a demon too, cause I definately had to park illegally last night. That's why my alarm went off at 6:50, I needed to move my car before 7. Plus I was supposed to get an oil change this morning. It's raining really hard though so I don't really feel like going out there again...
I did get to move my car. God must really love me, cause there was one vacated spot. I ran outside in my pjs (thankfully i wore clothes to bed last night) in the pouring rain to move it.
Maybe tomorrow.
On another note, thanks to those of you who've replied to my other journal's entries. It was awesome waking up to upteen comments this morning. I love you guys! Friends rock.
I totally overslept this morning. I haven't done that in a really long time. It was wierd, cause I woke up when my alarm went off in this massive state of confusion. I think I thought it was night or something, cause it was rather dark outside (it's pouring) and my roommate was still awake typing her paper.
I sat and looked at her for a few minutes, and she made a motion like well are you going to turn off your damn radio. And then I remember saying something out loud like, "oh right I'll get it."
And then I turned it off. And checked my messages on AIM. And after that I fail to recall what occurred, only that I woke up 2 hours later in bed. oops.
I woke up cursing like a demon too, cause I definately had to park illegally last night. That's why my alarm went off at 6:50, I needed to move my car before 7. Plus I was supposed to get an oil change this morning. It's raining really hard though so I don't really feel like going out there again...
I did get to move my car. God must really love me, cause there was one vacated spot. I ran outside in my pjs (thankfully i wore clothes to bed last night) in the pouring rain to move it.
Maybe tomorrow.
On another note, thanks to those of you who've replied to my other journal's entries. It was awesome waking up to upteen comments this morning. I love you guys! Friends rock.
Call Me Bouquet
Everybody else does. Actually only my HC people do, but I'm afraid it will catch on.
Actually, I don't think I'd mind if it caught on. It's not a bad nickname. Highly preferrable to ones I've had in the past. Some are a little graphic that aren't fit for public viewing... so yeah you'll just have to wonder about that;)
Tonight we ate at the Olive Garden to get to know the new people on the council - two newbies this go-around. And they seem nice. I got elected as technology coordinator for next year - in other words i do the web page. haha. I'm becoming a regular computer geek.
- well maybe not... haha
I don't know too many computer geeks with my sense of fashion;)
They nominated me for secretary again, and I accepted cause I didn't think anyone else wanted te job. But then someone nominated Molly, one of our freshmen, and she accepted. So Reagan tells us all to write down our votes, and I stopped the process, looked at her and said, you can have it!! Everyone laughed... and now she's secretary. Thank God. I'm not together enough for that job!
Course it's funny, cause I really want to be business director for Bella next year. And I would be together enough for that job. So maybe it's not my organization, but my motivation. I missed director by one vote last year. I think it's a good thing I didn't get it though. I needed a year to get my feet wet in the pool again (sorry I know that's a bad pun).
I just have so many visions in my head of things to do with Bella. We can be so amazingly great... it will just take supreme dedication. I'm willing. I hope the girls will see that...
Ok that's enough for tonight. I had an amazing weekend... like always though it ended far too soon for my liking. I had some interesting experiences in DC riding the metro and trying to find things around DuPont Circle, but now at least next time I go I won't feel like a tourist. I hate feeling that way. I like trying to blend in, while not blending in. Does that make sense?
Anyway, enjoy your week dear fellows:)
Everybody else does. Actually only my HC people do, but I'm afraid it will catch on.
Actually, I don't think I'd mind if it caught on. It's not a bad nickname. Highly preferrable to ones I've had in the past. Some are a little graphic that aren't fit for public viewing... so yeah you'll just have to wonder about that;)
Tonight we ate at the Olive Garden to get to know the new people on the council - two newbies this go-around. And they seem nice. I got elected as technology coordinator for next year - in other words i do the web page. haha. I'm becoming a regular computer geek.
- well maybe not... haha
I don't know too many computer geeks with my sense of fashion;)
They nominated me for secretary again, and I accepted cause I didn't think anyone else wanted te job. But then someone nominated Molly, one of our freshmen, and she accepted. So Reagan tells us all to write down our votes, and I stopped the process, looked at her and said, you can have it!! Everyone laughed... and now she's secretary. Thank God. I'm not together enough for that job!
Course it's funny, cause I really want to be business director for Bella next year. And I would be together enough for that job. So maybe it's not my organization, but my motivation. I missed director by one vote last year. I think it's a good thing I didn't get it though. I needed a year to get my feet wet in the pool again (sorry I know that's a bad pun).
I just have so many visions in my head of things to do with Bella. We can be so amazingly great... it will just take supreme dedication. I'm willing. I hope the girls will see that...
Ok that's enough for tonight. I had an amazing weekend... like always though it ended far too soon for my liking. I had some interesting experiences in DC riding the metro and trying to find things around DuPont Circle, but now at least next time I go I won't feel like a tourist. I hate feeling that way. I like trying to blend in, while not blending in. Does that make sense?
Anyway, enjoy your week dear fellows:)
Friday, April 04, 2003
Mi Vida: La Broma
¿Por qué estoy escribiendo en español hoy? Porque quiero. No tengo otras razones. Cuando salgo de mi clase de español cada dia, pienso en este idioma, y hablo a otras tambien, quien ademas no hablan la idioma. Pero no me importa, creo que es tan bella. Me recuerda de lo que este estudiante Miguel me dijo ayer, cuando yo era vestida en el vestido blanco para el concierto. Hablamos en español como siempre porque no él no puede entender o hablar en inglés bien. -Estás muy guapa hoy!- Estaba una cosa tan poquita, pero me sintió tan mejor que antes. Creo que cosas como ese me sustiene. Yo vivo oír cosas de otras sobre cada aspecto de mi vida. Y por eso, cuando yo los recibo, quiero dar en la misma manera. (Y lo siento si hablas español y estás leyendo este, sé que la grammática es terrible y que probablamente un medio de estas palabras son de mi imaginación.) Y para aplicar estos ideas a mi vida del momento, explica por que estoy le confundiendo a Alex. Pero, por eso no sé como fijarlo. Posiblemente la idea mejor de ahora es esperar. Es mi experiencia que a veces cuando cosas son malas, se hacen peor despues de se hacen mejor. Y si tú estás leyendo este y entiendes, te quiero, y lo siento - pero ahora entiendo que no puedo fijar todo de las problemas del mundo.
¿Por qué estoy escribiendo en español hoy? Porque quiero. No tengo otras razones. Cuando salgo de mi clase de español cada dia, pienso en este idioma, y hablo a otras tambien, quien ademas no hablan la idioma. Pero no me importa, creo que es tan bella. Me recuerda de lo que este estudiante Miguel me dijo ayer, cuando yo era vestida en el vestido blanco para el concierto. Hablamos en español como siempre porque no él no puede entender o hablar en inglés bien. -Estás muy guapa hoy!- Estaba una cosa tan poquita, pero me sintió tan mejor que antes. Creo que cosas como ese me sustiene. Yo vivo oír cosas de otras sobre cada aspecto de mi vida. Y por eso, cuando yo los recibo, quiero dar en la misma manera. (Y lo siento si hablas español y estás leyendo este, sé que la grammática es terrible y que probablamente un medio de estas palabras son de mi imaginación.) Y para aplicar estos ideas a mi vida del momento, explica por que estoy le confundiendo a Alex. Pero, por eso no sé como fijarlo. Posiblemente la idea mejor de ahora es esperar. Es mi experiencia que a veces cuando cosas son malas, se hacen peor despues de se hacen mejor. Y si tú estás leyendo este y entiendes, te quiero, y lo siento - pero ahora entiendo que no puedo fijar todo de las problemas del mundo.
Thursday, April 03, 2003
It's all about the dress
Today was a good outfit day.
For starters, it was warm (87!) and sunny all day. So I wore my cute strappy blue/green dress with fern-like leaf designs. I went hog wild with the matching eye makeup, using four different colors. That was fun and it sparked some wonderfully ego-boosting compliments.
Then tonight, I had to MC (or narrate or host or whatever you wanna call it) for the wind and percussion ensemble concert, the theme of which was "world tour."
It was the perfect opportunity to wear this dress that I've never worn, and that I'm soooo glad I brought to school on a whim last semester.
It's an asian-style dress, similar to a kimono. White silk, with pink trim on the neck line, bottom hem and side slits. Large pink and other bright colored flowers on the lower half of the front. Absolutely gorgeous.
I figured, even if I did a shitty job at least I'd get compliments on my dress! haha.
And it worked too, although the majority of compliments were from old women who kept telling me they remembered when they were as skinny as i am and oh what a beautiful dress and wasn't i just a beautiful little lady... yeah.
But I got some awesome compliments on campus too;) From people I didn't even know, -great dress!- And from friends, -why are you so dressed up?- and -that's a really pretty dress where'd you get it?-
So thanks if you complimented me, too bad if you didn't see me! haha ok I'll stop being arrogant and shallow now. G'night:)
Today was a good outfit day.
For starters, it was warm (87!) and sunny all day. So I wore my cute strappy blue/green dress with fern-like leaf designs. I went hog wild with the matching eye makeup, using four different colors. That was fun and it sparked some wonderfully ego-boosting compliments.
Then tonight, I had to MC (or narrate or host or whatever you wanna call it) for the wind and percussion ensemble concert, the theme of which was "world tour."
It was the perfect opportunity to wear this dress that I've never worn, and that I'm soooo glad I brought to school on a whim last semester.
It's an asian-style dress, similar to a kimono. White silk, with pink trim on the neck line, bottom hem and side slits. Large pink and other bright colored flowers on the lower half of the front. Absolutely gorgeous.
I figured, even if I did a shitty job at least I'd get compliments on my dress! haha.
And it worked too, although the majority of compliments were from old women who kept telling me they remembered when they were as skinny as i am and oh what a beautiful dress and wasn't i just a beautiful little lady... yeah.
But I got some awesome compliments on campus too;) From people I didn't even know, -great dress!- And from friends, -why are you so dressed up?- and -that's a really pretty dress where'd you get it?-
So thanks if you complimented me, too bad if you didn't see me! haha ok I'll stop being arrogant and shallow now. G'night:)
I find this rather ironic...

Hey Princess! Get off your cell phone and listen
up! There is more to life than the mall, boys,
and your hair. You are the typical look-
obsessed, popular "cool" girl.
What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hey Princess! Get off your cell phone and listen
up! There is more to life than the mall, boys,
and your hair. You are the typical look-
obsessed, popular "cool" girl.
What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
You're a traditional unicorn. Pure as a maiden's
heart. You're so sweet, and shy, and gentle,
that you....bore everyone to death. Get a life.
What Kind of Unicorn are YOU? (no, really..its cool- with graphics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
What's in a Reputation?
That was part of the discussion for our newsgathering class this morning. How much is someone's reputation worth? In one libel case against channel 7, it was worth $2 million. Course he was a doctor...
And then my prof. questioned the class, how much do you think your reputation is worth? hmmm.
I came back to my room and was scrolling through people's profiles like any good aim addict. And found myself on one of them:
"Boys are fun to play with, and if you keep them around long enough they buy you shit!"
*shortchica's insight on men.
So yeah, is this my reputation? I actually think I recall making that statement, during one of my psycho-hyper nights in bella. (I seem to have a lot of those, though recently my hyperactivity has morphed into extreme giddiness). I think it was in reference to people teasing Jen about hooking up with the hottie from the Stairwells (who can blame her? ow ow!). They were commenting that because he is a total jerk, she shouldn't have. Well yeah he's a jerk, but he's also hot. And that's where the statement came in...
So I look back on it, and even in context it sounds callous and flippant. But so are a lot of things that I say - they're for shock value. I really don't feel that way, I just like to say things to get reactions. And as for my rep.. I know I've said this before but to reiterate: the people who know me know how I really am. And those who don't, if they matter they'll find out. All else is inconsequential.
But yeah that's enough self-analysis for today:)
That was part of the discussion for our newsgathering class this morning. How much is someone's reputation worth? In one libel case against channel 7, it was worth $2 million. Course he was a doctor...
And then my prof. questioned the class, how much do you think your reputation is worth? hmmm.
I came back to my room and was scrolling through people's profiles like any good aim addict. And found myself on one of them:
"Boys are fun to play with, and if you keep them around long enough they buy you shit!"
*shortchica's insight on men.
So yeah, is this my reputation? I actually think I recall making that statement, during one of my psycho-hyper nights in bella. (I seem to have a lot of those, though recently my hyperactivity has morphed into extreme giddiness). I think it was in reference to people teasing Jen about hooking up with the hottie from the Stairwells (who can blame her? ow ow!). They were commenting that because he is a total jerk, she shouldn't have. Well yeah he's a jerk, but he's also hot. And that's where the statement came in...
So I look back on it, and even in context it sounds callous and flippant. But so are a lot of things that I say - they're for shock value. I really don't feel that way, I just like to say things to get reactions. And as for my rep.. I know I've said this before but to reiterate: the people who know me know how I really am. And those who don't, if they matter they'll find out. All else is inconsequential.
But yeah that's enough self-analysis for today:)
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