Monday, February 24, 2003

I Could Have Danced All Night....
(oh wait, i did)

This weekend was SUCH a good time! I went to Velvet on Saturday night for Jen's early bday party, and it was Mardi Gras, and was soooooo much fun!!

Seriously, I'd forgotten how fun clubbing is, I hadn't been in so long. Especially Velvet.

There was the incredible "sea of men", half naked men with lots and lots of muscles grinding in this huge mass of writhing figures. Wow.

And of course, who did I run into as soon as I arrived, but Ryan. That boy is the best dancer on Earth. Period. I love clubbing with him!

And Carmela came too (and Dave and Lisa), and Carmela and I are dancing buddies and boy was that a fun time!

And we all looked hot!

Ok that's enough, happy Monday! (what??)

Friday, February 21, 2003


I'm babysitting Andrew right now, he just fell asleep half on the fouton, half on the floor. The kid is too cute.

Gotta tell you, I enjoy my quiet Friday nights every now and then. No pressure to look cute, go out, be a people person. I guess this is my introverted half exerting itself.

Kinda nice.

And it's funny, Jeni asked me to go to Velvet tomorrow night, and I was feeling so relaxed that I actually didn't want to go for a few minutes. And I've been wanting to go all year. haha. Well she convinced me, and I'm going to go out tomorrow night and be a poeple person and party and dance and have a wonderful time.

But tonight I'm relaxing. Hope you enjoyed your Friday night as much as I did:)

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Sleep Please

I'm really tired today. Beyond tired.
I think it's a good time to take a nap.

It's a funny thing though, it's 56 degrees outside and the snow is still higher than my knees. So I'm walking around in a t-shirt and a light jacket with sunglasses on, and there's snow everywhere. Haha.

Ok maybe you don't find that funny. But I do. I think I'll go to bed now.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Smack me, please

So we had a nice five day weekend due to the snow, where I got absolutely nothing accomplished. Well for the most part of it I had a big meet, which I did fairly well at. But the two days that were snow days, yeah I did squat.

Why the request for abuse? Sometimes I feel like that's what I need to get my ass in gear. Something bad to happen, someone to hit me and say, "wake up!", etc.

On a side note, my arms are really itchy and for once it's not due to dry skin, this time rather it's the hair growing back in. Ugh.

Sorry to digress, at any rate I have made some progress. I cleaned and vacuumed my room last night for the first time in a long while. I finally called financial aid to talk to them about my aid, though they were as unhelpful as always (is unhelpful a word? I don't think so...).

I should be getting money back from the government any day now, which is a very good thing. And my current credit bill is all ready to be paid, with all receipts accounted for and paper clipped to the statement, with the bill portion in the stamped envelope waiting to be accompanied by a check with a very high number on it.

Maybe I don't need to be smacked after all.

Monday, February 17, 2003

lol, last night's blog is interesting, i was considering editing it, but i think the spelling errors make it funny so i'll leave it.

And rachel got me on one of those sites where people tell you how ugly you are, lol, the link is to the left. Be nice!

So yeah tonight was our after conference party. It was a goofd time!! I walked back in the snow with susie cause last timne shje got lost and she was really drunk, and i have a goof sense of direction so i made sure she got back okl.

RIght now i;'m drinking lots of water, cauyse i don't want to have a headache whe i wake up in the morning, though i gotta tell ya that I've nebver had a hanf over before, and i fon't intend on starting now!!

I had such a great time tonight, ebveryone was so cool and great and fun and it was just an amazing time and im sorruy that some peopel had some drama but you know what it's ok becuase they probablyt won't rememebr it tomorrow.

Which reminds me, clases are cancelled tomorrow!!! not like i was going anyways, but you know it's still way cool:) i love days off
and i don't have a roommate this time cause she's been fgone all weekend so i love it.

Bye now:)

Saturday, February 15, 2003

I'm singing in the...... Snow?

Oh yes, boys and girls, it's that time again. Blizzard time!! And this time the predictions are holding out for over a foot of snow.


Well I figure as long as it doesn't mess with my swim meet or after-conference party, I could really care less.

We're already well above the average snow fall rate, and it's not even halfway through blizzard season. I seem to recall some big ones in March over the past few years.

What a snowy winter.

At least it's pretty though. Cause the snow is coming down in big clumps, and it's very pretty on the trees and the bushes and the grass and the cars. In honor of this pretty snow, I'm going to republish my poem entitled "First Snow" on my other blog.

You should read it, it's a good poem!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Apathy Ensues

Does everyone who goes to college hate it?
Well it's not that I hate college - I just hate all of the work that goes along with it.
And yes, I realize that I'm bitching, but we all have our moments.
At any rate, I would LOVE it if all I had to do was go to class, pay attention, take notes, and maybe (just maybe) even read a little bit (and I mean a VERY little bit). Screw exams, screw reading whole books, screw trying to shove oodles of information into an already too-full head.

And on that note, I shall retire to more reading, which will be followed by more reading and, did I mention that I'll be reading tonight?

Hope your day was more fun than mine...

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Right, about that...

I'm having html issues today. I screwed up my links, screwed up my fave tracker, and just grrrr!!!

So I walked 10 minutes over to Westmoreland for Spanish conversation hour, because I'm required to go to 10 this semester and I have yet to grace any with my presence. I get there, and it's in Combs for the night cause they're watching a movie. That I've already seen twice!!! And I'm dead tired, caues I got up at 4:20 am, so I would probably fall asleep and then have the long ass walk back at like 11 when the movie was over??!?!!
I think not.
So I just came straight back here. To get some work done. And how much have I done? Nothing! Good job guessing!
I think I suck at life.
Or maybe just life sucks at me.
I hate the world

Monday, February 10, 2003

Just Another Manic Monday

Well it's Monday yet again. Another week passes by in the sandstorm of life. I set out to accomplish a lot today, and yeah definately didn't. And I'm not surprised, just dissappointed in myself yet again for my lack of motivation and my poor organizational skills. Maybe I should drop out of school, get a job, ge married and have 2398542374 kids. Cause at least then I'll be doing something. Or maybe not...

Sunday, February 09, 2003

I must admit, I find that description flattering. haha.
You are the Figher Femme

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, February 08, 2003

The End is Near

Tonight was our girls' team pasta dinner, followed by some team bonding activities. It was a pretty emotional night, as we tossed around this ball of yarn for something called the "string game," where you say something nice about the person you toss the yarn to, and hang on to your piece, creating a huge web. It made me remember the reasons why I'm swimming this year, and why I am and will always be a swimmer, regardless of how fast or talented that I am.
The team spirit is an important thing; something that I've learned moreso this year than any other in my entire life. I think it's kind of fitting that I had a great deal of heart break this past year, because I've had these wonderful teammates to help me through it, and I've had swimming to allow me somewhere to concentrate my frustrations and dissappointments and other negative feelings.
I realize, that yeah I may have gone from a big wig in the debate world to a nobody in the swimming world, but I'm part of something bigger this way. It's hard to describe, but if you've ever been on a team remotley like this one, you may have an inkling about what I'm trying so hard to express through the inadequacy of words. And even then, you won't come close to the full comprehension. I am blessed for being a part of this. Thank you everyone who has aided me along the way.

Friday, February 07, 2003

Snow can wait, I forgot my mittens

Well MWC has yet another snow day, after being blessed/ cursed with 7 inches of snow last night and this morning. I, being the idiot that I am, was out driving around last night as the snow fell - but I feel the experience was a learning one because I know better how to drive in snow and appreciate the warmth of my bed all the more.
The rest of bella is in Rochester this weekend, and I am not. It's sad in a lot of ways, I wish I was there with them. I didn't have to work this morning, I didn't have class today. All that I would have missed is swim practice. And since I am a surperflous team member for swimming and an intrinsic team member for Bella, it makes me wonder.
Oh well. Dwelling on the "what ifs," while a favorite past time of mine, accomplishes nothing.
And I keep reconsidering my whole outlook on dating and the world of relationships in general. I mean, what is the point of me wanting to date other guys when I know that it will never amount to anything? Ah well, just some more mindless ramblings on a snow covered day.

I run off, where the drifts get deeper

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Laziness Ensues

Why am I so unmotivated and lazy?? Seriously, I think I deserve to fail out of school. Ah well. Yeah, I'm really tired. It's bed time most definately. And maybe I can wake up early tomorrow and get some work done. I hope so.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Boys, boys, boys

Yes, there were many this weekend. And I would like to thank them for being so cool and talented and hot, and for making our concert a huge-ass success. I also got some great criticism for the concert, which I will be applying ASAP to Bella's day to day functionings so that we can get on gear and become one of those groups where everyone says, WOW they're awesome!!!
I know it will happen one of these days.
The after-party was a total trip, thank you Libby for being cool and allowing us to party in your apartment even after the cops came by and were bastards and were threatening you with court and all.
And in my last thank you, this one is to Rob for being understanding and for not hating me for treating you like shit, cause basically that's what I did, and I'm sorry.
Bu yeah I don't want t end my blog on a sad note - so yeah the party was SUCH a fun time, even though I was a sober sister with Lisa-Marie, it reminded me of all the times last year when I never drank and everyone else was so trashed and it was soo funny. Of course, that didn't stop me from wanting to drink, cause at Bella parties we always have the best drinks on earth like Sky Blue and and Mike's and yummy wine coolers. Screw the beer. Anyways - thank to my bellas too for a well-planned and well-done show! You know that I love you all!