Monday, August 26, 2002

So the first day of classes is over, and I'm already feeling overwhelmed. So sad, considering I only had 2 classes today. But it was definately a day for news and olds. New experiences like walking all the way accross campus several times and getting my first taste of swimteam life through a though-provoking team meeting. Old experiences like lunch with Luar, and seeing all the chicas from 2nd floor Mason, and chowing down in the bistro at Seco. I have an interesting mix of classes too, some insanely hard that I'm determined to get an A in because I will, damnit, graduate with a 4.0 in major, and some pretty darn easy classes that I'm taking 'cause they're required but could prove to be fun after all (though I am not including math class in this assesment, I haven't been there yet and we all know how much lisa hates math). At any rate, this semester will prove an interesting balancing act. How well can Lisa handle 2 jobs, 5 classes, an a cappella group that seems to be falling apart at the seams, 9 swimming practices a week, debate (though whether I'll do policy or public debate has yet to be determined), Honor Council, and a killer social life that-- as a requirement --must include clubs and parties and boys? Haha. Time will only tell, so stay tuned . . .

Honestly, I'm giving it 3 weeks before my first nervous breakdown, but hey, let's be optomistic and call it 4!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Today was pretty emotional. Most of the uperclassmen moved in today, the rest come in tomorrow. It was happy and sad. Happy because I got to see everyone with whom I haven't spoken all Summer, or maybe just once or twice briefly on aim, and sad because I realized how mch I am going to miss Linds. Everyone knows their roommate now, and so everyone is hanging out with their roommate and suitemates; and I don't have a roomy. I know, I need to quit feeling sorry for myself, but whatever. I can't help it. It's sad. Sigh. Tonight I'm going to visit a friend though, and hopefull that will cheer me up;)

Thursday, August 22, 2002

"This better bring you some good karma." Direct quote from a friend as we moved my stuff from my nice, big room with nice, big closets to a small, cramped room with small, cramped closets and an AC that seems to think warmer means colder and colder means warmer. Sigh* Nothing fits in my closet any more, being half the size of the one I've been using for the past 2 weeks. And another bad note, I may be getting an insane roommate. My building's HR informed me that there is a chick on the Women with a Voice floor in Ball Hall (all-female upperclass dorm) that feels the hall violates her religious beliefs, and that said chick may become my new roommate. Wonderful. Can my day get any better? I think not....

Saturday, August 17, 2002

So I've been at school for almost a week now, without Lindsay:(, and it's been going pretty well. I love the freedom of being on my own and being able to come and go as I please, the one sucky thing is that I have no food and my meals haven't started yet, oh well. I look at is this way - I'm working on shrinking my stomach;) At any rate, Linds is coming to visit me on Monday and staying for a few days, and after that everyone else comes back, so it should be pretty cool. And then after that AJ comes back, and we'll have mad fun hitting up the MWC parties and going to DC for clubbing fun. Also, I've got to say a big THANK YOU to Jenn for keeping me sane during "Debate Hell Week." By virtue of the fact that (how many clichés can Lisa use in one sentence?) we're both slackers and can't hold our alcohol at all, we've been doing some mad crazy bonding. It's a ton of fun. We're also in a guy race, haha if you want details on that you'll have to ask, let's just say it seems we have the same taste in men lately:) allrighty that's it for now.....

Sunday, August 11, 2002

I'm in such a bad mood right now. I can't even explain how angry I am and how much damage I feel like doing to my beloved school. My best friend/ intended roommate will not be coming back to school this year. My good friend Tim and his intended roommate, who were supposed to live in my hall, aren't coming back this year - all for the same fucking reason.
financial aid. I didn't get any either, but at least I have a few merit scholarships. It's going to be a really tight year. Grrrrr. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm supposed to move in tomorrow, but my room is designated as an RA's room, and I'm not an RA. And I had so many hopes and plans for this year. I was so excited about living with Lindsay. We were going to share clothes and take trips to the fun lights at Central Park at 5am, and do fun best chica stuff. Sigh. And no more Velvet clubbing with Tim. I'm going to miss these guys soooo much. I'm soo pissed. I'm going to be alone for these first 2 weeks too, I was so looking forward to chilling with Lindsay every night. ok i can't type any more. i'm just too upset. night.
Well today was my last day of work at Curtis Park for the Summer. I think it was a pretty good summer too. A lot less drama than last year, and a good bit more money. I was kinda annoyed that I wasn't in charge, but oh well:) Can't run everything. We'll see if I work there again next summer. I would kinda like to, just because I like the people there, and I had an awesome time this summer. But we'll see, maybe I'll get a real job;) I can't wait to get back on campus. I feel so much freer then, because I come and go when I want to. Like I want to go out RIGHT NOW, but of course it's 12:30 and my rents would shit a brick. So I'm stuck here. It bites. Oh well, I need to stop complaining and cheer up. I get to see Linds again, who I have missed dearly all summer. And AJ will be home again soon so we can chill. Ahh thinking of the future.............

Saturday, August 03, 2002

At any rate, I would just love to send big kisses (and bubbles cause they're cool) out to AJ, who is 3000 miles or so away right now. I miss her tons already (even though she just left this morning) because we had so much fun in the few short months that we chilled together. Work was an interesting, though tiring, experience, and going out and sitting in the art deco of Central Park is always a great way to pass a boring Fred' night. I think it is so wonderful how we were best chicas over 5 years ago, and we still managed to recreate a strong friendship despite the many changes we've both been through. After college, it's hard to find things to talk about with old friends, but not so with AJ.We had a most excellent time clubbing the other night too, there were more single guys there than I have ever seen in my entire life. It was insane. People were trying to dance with one of us (mostly AJ - hehe on the boob glitter) like every other second. It was one of those summer memories that I know I'll be thinking about in the coming months when I'm bored and sick of school and wishing it was summer again. I can't wait till AJ comes back so we can chill some more and go to a whole bunch of other clubs and go to VA Beach and just have lots of fun before she has to leave again. We've already got plans for Vegas when we turn 21 too, and right now I'm just excited about the future I guess (and I'm also insanely tired so I apologize for making absolutely no sense) and I have a feeling that the next week is going to be terrible because its my last week of work, after that I go back to school and so I'm working all week; I haven't had a full day off since last Saturday and I won't be getting one till next Monday (move-in day) subsequently after which I will be imersed in the wonderful world of debate research when you spend all day reading legal briefs and newspaper articles about treaties that really don't matter much in my little bubble of a world. OK I think that's enough for tonight. I miss you AJ! and all of my friends from school, who I will be seeing in a few short weeks!!!!!!!!

I am the imfamous elves (of the shoemaker)!

Find your fairy tale character

How is it that I am an elf? Just because I like shoes and I'm short!??! NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am truly passionate.

Find your soul type